Biofelsefe — Biokimya ZOOM
NFA 2020 / Aziz Yardımlı


    Biochemical Pathways: Part 1: Metabolic Pathways (Roche)
Biochemical Pathways: Part 2: Cellular and Molecular Processes (Roche)
DISC1 and its core interactors (PLOS ONE)
Interactive Metabolic Pathways Map (MERCK)
Metabolic Metro Map (W)
Signal transduction pathways (W)11
Metabolic pathways — Reference pathway (KEGG)

🔎 Human Metabolism — Pathways (L)

Signal transduction pathways (W)

Signal transduction pathways (W) (LINK)



Biochemical Pathways: Part 1: Metabolic Pathways (Roche)

Biochemical Pathways: Part 1: Metabolic Pathways (Roche) (LINK)

Roche Biochemical Pathways
The Biochemical Pathways Wall Charts have enjoyed worldwide popularity as a standard reference for nearly 50 years. (LINK)

Mapping the paths of life
Biochemical Pathways provide an overview of the chemical reactions of cells in various species and organs. Dr. Michal first compiled the Pathways Chart in 1965 and has been fine-tuning it ever since. Today, and with the collaboration of Roche, the two enormous posters can be found hanging in just about every research institute from Argentina to New Zealand. (LINK)


Biochemical Pathways: Part 2: Cellular and Molecular Processes (Roche)

Biochemical Pathways: Part 2: Cellular and Molecular Processes (Roche) (LINK)





  • DISC1 (Disrupted in schizophrenia 1) insanlarda DISC1 geni tarafından kodlanan bir proteindir.
  • Geniş bir etkileşimli etmenler ile eşgüdüm içinde, DISC1 hücre çoğalması, ayrımlaşması, göçü, nöronal axon ve dendrit büyümesi, mitokondrial aktarım, hücre yarılma ve/ya da kaynaşması, ve hücreler arası tutunma gibi süreçlerin düzenlemesine katılır.
  • DISC1 molekülünde düzensiz anlatımın ya da değişmiş protein yapısının bireyleri şizofreni, klinik çöküntü, bipolar rahatsızlık ve daha başka psikiyatrik durumların gelişimine yatkın kıldığı gösterilmiştir. (W)


📘 The DISC1 Pathway Modulates Expression of Neurodevelopmental, Synaptogenic and Sensory Perception Genes.

The DISC1 Pathway Modulates Expression of Neurodevelopmental, Synaptogenic and Sensory Perception Genes (LINK)



Genetic and biological evidence supports a role for DISC1 across a spectrum of major mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. There is evidence for genetic interplay between variants in DISC1 and in biologically interacting loci in psychiatric illness. DISC1 also associates with normal variance in behavioral and brain imaging phenotypes.


Here, we analyze public domain datasets and demonstrate correlations between variants in the DISC1 pathway genes and levels of gene expression. Genetic variants of DISC1, NDE1, PDE4B and PDE4D regulate the expression of cytoskeletal, synaptogenic, neurodevelopmental and sensory perception proteins. Interestingly, these regulated genes include existing targets for drug development in depression and psychosis.


Our systematic analysis provides further evidence for the relevance of the DISC1 pathway to major mental illness, identifies additional potential targets for therapeutic intervention and establishes a general strategy to mine public datasets for insights into disease pathways. (LINK)

Figure 1. Flow chart to demonstrate the analysis performed here


This protocol can be adapted to any chosen gene, pathway and disorder by simply replacing DISC1 with the gene of primary interest.



🔎 Network of how 100 of the 528 genes identified with significant differential expression relate to DISC1 and its core interactors. (L)
Figure 2. Network of how 100 of the 528 genes identified with significant differential expression relate to DISC1and its core interactors.

Network generated through the use of Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems®,, using the build function and connecting the identified genes to the core DISC1 interactome, only allowing for direct interaction. Relationships are supported by at least 1 reference from the literature, from a textbook, or from canonical information stored in the Ingenuity knowledge base. (LINK) 


📘 Table 1. Psychiatric drug target genes that display DISC1 pathway mediated differential expression

Table 1. Psychiatric drug target genes that display DISC1 pathway mediated differential expression.


This protocol can be adapted to any chosen gene, pathway and disorder by simply replacing DISC1 with the gene of primary interest.



📘 Table 2. Table of significant gene ontology terms

Table 2. Table of significant gene ontology terms that are biologically relevant to the DISC1 pathway or major mental illness.



Interactive Metabolic Pathways Map (MERCK)

Interactive Metabolic Pathways Map (MERCK) (LINK)



Metabolic pathways - Reference pathway (KEGG )

Metabolic pathways — Reference pathway (KEGG ) (LINK)

KEGG — Table of Contents (LINK)


Metabolic Metro Map (W)

Metabolic Metro Map (W) (LINK)



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Türkçe metinler ve çeviriler için © Aziz Yardımlı 2020 | aziz@ideayayı